Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to our most frequently visited page—our frequently asked questions! If you’ve been wondering about something in relation to our district and its schools, chances are you’ll find the answer on this page. And if you don’t? Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always here to help and serve!
Does El Tejon USD provide transportation services?
Absolutely! Head on over to our Transportation page for bus routes and important safety information.
Does El Tejon USD provide special education services?
We do! Our Student Support page has all the information you need to get in touch with one of our experienced staff members in this area.
How do I register my child at an El Tejon USD school?
We look forward to welcoming new students to our district. Please visit our Registration and Immunizations page for information on how to get the enrollment process started.
What is the dress code for El Tejon USD?
We expect our students to dress in a way that shows respect for themselves, for others, and for their school. Please review the ETUSD dress code for specific guidelines and policies.
What will happen if my child becomes ill while at school?
If a student becomes ill, we will attempt to notify a parent or guardian promptly, and we will care for the student in our health office until a parent or guardian arrives. Students may not leave school grounds without either a parent or another approved adult (as listed on the student’s information form). If the situation is a medical emergency, we will follow standard emergency procedures. For more information on health and wellness, please visit our Health Services page.
Where can I find a board agenda?
We keep our latest meeting agenda posted on our Home page so you can find it with ease. You might also want to check out our Board of Trustees page for board member information and future meeting dates and times.
Where can I find a list of school holidays and other important dates?
Our Calendar page will keep you in the know and on track. You’ll never miss a beat because we’ve made it easy for you to plan ahead!
Where can I find a lunch menu and school lunch prices?
Check out our Food Services page, where you’ll find our most updated school lunch information. Proper nutrition matters to our district, and we know it matters to you, too!